Sunday, June 8, 2008

The journey of a thousand lines of code...

First things first, if you're here via chroniclesofsushi then you know what this is about. If not I'll make a brief introduction as this blog is to resist any postings of the rambling nature.

  • I want to improve my coding skills
  • I want to learn new languages
  • I want to master (eventually) the languages that I know already
  • I want to develop on at least two platforms (Linux and windows, MACs do not exist in Africa)

At some stage I will sit down and do a mind map and set goals and what not for this site. For now I have an assignment due 3 days ago that i have to get to so I will just get the ball rolling.

My vision so far for this blog is to share my coding experiences as I go along, I want to improve because better code never hurt anyone. As of today the languages that I know are
C/C++ and Java. I don't program often enough to be as familiar enough with the languages as l'd like to be but given enough time I tend to produce working code even though it might not be the most efficient. I would also like to dabble in some web languages. Php, JavaScript and XML are at the top of this list. I like network centric programming so you might see a lot of that, that's most because i'm studying to be a telecomms engineer.

I will also share my code on the web, it will be released under the GNU license (I've always wanted to write that somewhere). Not that I expect a lot of re-use but mainly because I want people to see and point out areas where I can improve. For now projects will be chosen on a "what i need to do now but cant find anything to do it on the internet" basis. Sometimes solutions will be there but i will still attempt to tailor them to suite my needs and for experience's sake.

I picked my project a few days ago, as mentioned above its very much network centric.

AIM : to sync two or more rainlendar calendars on various networked machines.

More details to follow in the next post. So far I'm going for a client server approach, java will be the language of choice mainly because of the GCalDaemon. It works perfectly but I will be tailoring it to my specific needs.

1 comment:

Lacost said...

That app sounds mighty useful for us rainlendar addicts... Any word on the progress? :)